Wednesday, 9 November 2011

My old Scout [Revised]

Edit: New information has been posted, check July 2014

This was my old Scout "Dual" All these pictures are old data. I do not have this save anymore.

I never got past that armor set. Even this past holiday I stopped my Warrior at the same level to go back to both Tanker and Scout. So these screenies are from my last iPhone, this time I use my iPad for 2x the size, which for bigger hands is nice, but it was a little clunky. Anyways, this was after I finished the storyline. Sorry I don't have more photos. D:

I really have to say, I'm bloody jealous of them accessories... especially that belt...

Accessory grades for Jewelry (lv.80+)

Edit: New information has been posted, check July 2014

Alright, I went through a bit of hell getting four of the five grades for the lv.80+ selection. I pick one from each grade I found 'best' to my standards. Soooo, here they are, General is first, Heroic is last, there is a Legendary, but after multiple hours, I gave up.

Here's a catch, each grade has a limited chance for certain runes.
General sticks with "Brown Runes"
Advance goes for both "Brown and Green Runes"
Rare goes for "Brown, Green, Blue, and rarely Pink Runes"
Heroic has chance for better grade so "Green, Blue, Pink, and utmost rare Yellow Runes"
Legendary: I'm not sure of because I have yet to find, or gamble one.

 General: It's got a +5 Dodging, if I found a +10 or +11 that would be worth wearing, no matter the class.

Advanced: This is better than the General, one of the best I've found, wear if find for any class. (In it's grade)

Rare: And one of the best found in it's class, with Rare, if you have enough Luck, you might find one with a Luck Attribute. (Minute Chance) Preferable for Scout or Tanker.

Heroic: Now I couldn't decide which one to keep and which to delete since you have limited room once you get past lv.40. Either way, as I look a second time, the Rune of Capacity Heroic Accessory is better.
Any Class

As for the Legendary I haven't found any due to my Character level, and Luck Attribute.

I'll make a post for lv.20-60 Accessories, their options soon enough.

Have Glitched Items? (Game Crashes?)

Edit: New information has been posted, check July 2014

Hey guys. Here is some information that you will need, since there are time you will encounter such items.

I have mostly found this to be an equipment error, not so much anything else.
So it's real easy, now there are a few ways to 'find' these.

Mostly is if you gamble, when your game crashes randomly, because of the auto-save, you will have an 'extra' item that you can neither sell nor delete when you return in-game. Why? Because ALLSTAR failed to correctly place the delete button. What happens is when you are in the items mini menu, there is;
That's what you -see- and it should be is;
For some reason the buttons were switch, I don't ask question to ALLSTAR anymore. Yes, you lose 60 lars, but who cares, that's what gambling is.

Another way is by crafting, but this is the utmost rare chance that your game crashed as you craft. Most likely it will crash for something else besides the crafting, but who knows, I don't have the program to see W.F. codes and see the error log... (If it even has one...)

Boss(es); Yes you can get armor drops, they are Legendary, or at least the ones I've found. Besides that, the game will crash slightly more often than the crafting but still, it's the utmost rare chance.

Quest Rewards: These are usually General Grade, so ditch it, not worth time, and a waste of space. Happens more than Boss(es), but still in the utmost rare chance area.

Edit for Trax: In all "fairness" which it isn't, just 'Delete' the item by going into item's mini menu, and select "Detail". It will come up with another menu saying "O to confirm, X to Cancel" Hit "O" and viola, its gone. ^-^

Hope this helped!

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Very Bad News People (End of Game)

Edit: New information has been posted, check July 2014

This is very bad, and disheartening indeed.

As much as I love ALLSTAR for making Wild Frontier, I am horrified to explain that it is INCOMPLETE. (In a bad way too..)

When you defeat Diablo, watch the cut scenes and text, with the credits flying by, and receive the next and last mission. It is one you can not complete due to ALLSTAR's failure to allow Hell Mode activate.

What was suppose to happen, once you speak to Moking in Cemal, you will active Hell Mode, wether it changes the difficulty in the game you are playing currently, or be able to select from creating a new slot/file. Now the other question was the missions, if you have to start back at the beach, possibly with all your armor, or find your armor later, and Puppy's level being anywhere from normal 7 to 57. (Since it be twice as hard...)

I am now going to press more attention towards contact with ALLSTAR.
Edit: Any attempts to contact them leads to no reply, my apologies..

With some better news, this guide will not stop, I will continue to update as I play around.

Creators of Wild Frontier

Edit: New information has been posted, check July 2014

From the weird title, your propably asking, creators? Most know W.F. Is an •ALLSTAR• game, I will be taking some time and trying to get information on everything possible about our favourite RPG. That is if I am able to hold down a connection long enough so I can get anything helpful that we have yet to know about. Keep those hopes up.

Edit: Apparently not, probably contacting the wrong people, or WF has been left to dissolve

Monday, 7 November 2011

Armor attributes

Edit: New information has been posted, check July 2014

This will be another long one due to time and multiple sets are available.

To find out which armor gives what, go to your equipment, select the head, body, shoulder, or shield (if tank) and select 'Details', then scroll down.

New Notice: As a heads up, I can't remember the conversion of rarity for the Armor pieces, if you have the time, I ask you please post the stats you gain from an Advanced three piece set (Can be mixed with higher grades, but must not have General and must include one Advanced) and a FULL Rare three piece set.
That will allow me to easily identify their rarity/stat ratio.
Thank you! <3

Q: Why Advanced and Rare?
A: General only gives one stat, Advanced and above give two stats
A: These two grades both give two stats, and are the most common grades besides General. Easy gambling

Q: Why a full set of one rarity?
A: If you mix rarities, you only get the bonus stats of the lowest grade
Example: 1 Advanced pieces + 1 Rare piece + 1 Heroic piece = Advanced stat bonus

NOTICE 1: Tanks have four pieces while the rest have three, this means their stat bonus will be higher

NOTICE 2: I have never see a full Legendary set, and in my year of time spent playing I've only encountered two items of said grade. It is a possibility that a Legendary set gives three bonuses

NOTICE 3: Once I remember the rarity conversion I will add their bonuses under the armor sets in categories. For now, all these stats are unknown besides the ones recently defined

4-Piece // Tanker Attributes:
1st Set : Adventurer
Dodge: +8
Experience: +16%

2nd Set : Bone Piece
Damage: +32
Precision Strike: +24

3rd Set : Shell
Defence: +240
Knockback Attack: +20%

4th Set : Scale

5th Set : Wing [Thanks Olu]
Health +24
Recover Spirit 8%/10 Secs

6th Set : Fang (Advanced) [Thanks Olu]
Reflect Damage +64%
Posion 64%

7th Set : Assualt

8th Set : Water Dragon
All Resistance: +16%
Luck: +32

9th Set : Warrior
Stun Attack +12%
Recover Spirit 3%/10 secs

10th Set : Judge

11th Set : Dragon Knight

12th Set : Archangel

3-Piece // Warrior/Scout Attributes:
1st Set : Adventurer
Dodge: +6
Experience: +12%

2nd Set : Bone Piece
Damage: +24
Precision Strike: +18

3rd Set : Shell
Defence: +180
Knockback Attack: +15%

4th Set : Scale

5th Set : Wing [Anonymous]
Health +18
Recover Spirit 6%/10 Secs

6th Set : Fang (Advanced) [Anonymous]
Reflect Damage +48%
Posion 48%

7th Set : Assualt

8th Set : Water Dragon
All Resistance: +12%
Luck: +24

9th Set : Warrior

10th Set : Judge

11th Set : Dragon Knight

12th Set : Archangel

Luck Guide

Edit: New information has been posted, check July 2014

Here is a Luck guide that I will be doing, Thank Kenny (Darkfear on toucharcade) for the suggestion.

Only one specific armor I have found to have Luck attribute [lv.58-lv.62 Water Dragon set]
It is rare to find Luck runes, mainly because it's Level Pink, and you need luck to find luck. (I know I've said that somewhere else...)
Accessories which have to be Rare or higher, will give you luck. But to find these, easiest way is to gamble.
Now when you have a Rare Accessory, it is highly rare you will get luck on it. Heroic has a higher chance, and with legendary, as hard as it is to find, will have luck attributes most of the time.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Map and cave guides

Edit: New information has been posted, check July 2014

(Express Gameplay)

Tor'ga Cave will soon be available
Cave of Heat, images have been taken, puzzle solved, will compile and post later

Hidden Ice Cave
Canine Cave, images have been taken, puzzle solved, will compile and post later

> This post has been left obsolete to encourage viewing the new version of the blog
> Please visit 2014 July and on for anything you may need.

Below is old news;
Anyways I'll help get you places and what you need to know for caves, and again I'll say there may be other guides but all of mine are from multiple explorations and written from scratch so this will be unique to others.

JJ Ashton

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Pack*3 Concentration: 1 Piece (Oct 10th 2012 update)

Edit: New information has been posted, check July 2014

Finally someone else besides myself found this, I was waiting to see when this would happen, and it happened sooner than expected. (
Since it has been found by others, though I did not find this first, it is possible I found the next glitch that goes after it first!

This item is worth a mother load 4,259,840 LARS!

So, does anyone remember the other guide here on blogger? If no, read it here. ( Qvazzler has mentioned this before, but never actually released it to the public, either by chance he couldn't find out how he found it, or he did and choose not to release. (I've known it for too long, so I'm going to release it here, there are pictures on TouchArcade if you prefer that)

SO, since its getting around, mind as well type it out. This one is easier to understand than the Unlimited G4

How to:
1) In your inventory, the last material item needs to be a multiple of 5
(It does not matter the grade or type)

2) Mutate to an item you already have in the same grade until your on an empty slot. (A)


4) Because there is no 'stack' you can not mutate or compress, deleting is a waste

5) Go to Decompress, since you are on an empty slot, it will glitch.
(Do this until you pack is full)

6) The item does not appear in the material menu, it will be in the Etc. menu

(A) Why mutate, with compressing and decompressing you may obtain a new slot after the one you've selected. Even if you have bother grade above and below, before the last item, it will NOT work.

Second How to: (More glitches, but value is decreased)
1) In the Etc. menu you'll find the "Broken molar" with a beak icon
(May differ, have yet to confirm though)

2) This item is not stackable, so you can not compress or mutate
(Deleting item is kinda a waste)

3) You can decompress this item
(It will glitch again this time turning into a weapon/armor)

4) You'll find it in the Equipment slot but because it's a glitch (B)

(B) I have yet to find a way to glitch it past this point, if anyone finds a way leave a comment, it'll be a big help (Below for more INFO on it)

The game is designed with a cash shop, it has a bag extension for $0.99 (I think... Idk, it's been a year or more since I've played) However when you use this glitch, you can access those 10 extra slot only with the Broken Molar, so empty you're pack and fill it up all at once because I'm pretty sure you will only need to do this glitch once.

I though wanted to see how much money you can carry before the game crashes, I never found the limit and I was in the billions.

Now why it's so confusing is it becomes a Legendary Weapon/Armor/Accessory. So decompress just a single one, and go to the Equipment Menu. It will be there! But Why?! And it has nothing on it, Level is 0, Slots are 0, Attack is 0, Durability is 0. You can not equip it, but you can delete and sell, though selling price is not as much as the Etc. one.

[Keep it down but go gambling with all that money, you didn't hear this from me! :D]

Demon Dieties/Bosses

Edit: New information has been posted, check July 2014

The Demon Major Bosses are not much different from the Original Diety other than the colours. Compare to their Dieties, the Demon Dieties are deffenently difficult, do not underestimate their next attack.
The Demon Dieties do not have element powers like the last boss, other than their original powers, Salamander Fire, Kraken Ice. But becuase their demons, all of them have a fire element, so there is a (guessing) 10% of a fire burn. Be sure to have plenty of Serum Potions! (Find in shop, green/brown/purple)

There is no one else around you ,so no cut seen before of some random losing battle on the Creeper.
You do not see Lamia unconscious at the Chimera's nest, and you are not fighting the Kraken underwater.

I would just copy paste everything from the other guides, but that's kind cheap. So what I am going to do is re-name the original Diety guides for both bosses. All you need to know are in the original guides.

Happy Mobbing!

Name of Demon Dieties/Bosses:

Hell Vine Creeper
Blaze Wing Chimera
Thunder Mane Salamander
Lava Shell Kraken

6th Major Boss: The Ice/Lighting Twin Dragons

Edit: New information has been posted, check July 2014

Hey guys/girls, sorry about this, but unless I get Wild Frontier, or a iPod/Phone/Pad again, the 3rd to 6th Major boss guides will be enormously delayed.
Mainly since I am busy, but I'll try to remember what the fights were, each boss have their own difficulties, you just need to find then out, and have a load of HP pots no matter your class.

Happy Mob'n :D

Timothy Ashton
Jan 4th 2012

5th Major Boss: The Red Dragon

Edit: New information has been posted, check July 2014

Hey guys/girls, sorry about this, but unless I get Wild Frontier, or a iPod/Phone/Pad again, the 3rd to 6th Major boss guides will be enormously delayed.
Mainly since I am busy, but I'll try to remember what the fights were, each boss have their own difficulties, you just need to find then out, and have a load of HP pots no matter your class.

Happy Mob'n :D

Timothy Ashton
Jan 4th 2012

4th/10th Major Diety/Boss: The Kraken (Lava Shell)

Edit: New information has been posted, check July 2014

Hey guys/girls, sorry about this, but unless I get Wild Frontier, or a iPod/Phone/Pad again, the 3rd to 6th Major boss guides will be enormously delayed.
Mainly since I am busy, but I'll try to remember what the fights were, each boss have their own difficulties, you just need to find then out, and have a load of HP pots no matter your class.

Happy Mob'n :D

Timothy Ashton
Jan 4th 2012

3rd/9th Major Diety/Boss: The Salamander (Thunder Mane)

Edit: New information has been posted, check July 2014

Hey guys/girls, sorry about this, but unless I get Wild Frontier, or a iPod/Phone/Pad again, the 3rd to 6th Major boss guides will be enormously delayed.
Mainly since I am busy, but I'll try to remember what the fights were, each boss have their own difficulties, you just need to find then out, and have a load of HP pots no matter your class.

Happy Mob'n :D

Timothy Ashton
Jan 4th 2012

2nd & 8th Major Diety/Boss: The Chimera (Blaze Wing)

Edit: New information has been posted, check July 2014

NOTICE: Since the Demon Dieties is not any different from the Originals, all guides have a name change.
Blaze Wing is a +60 boss and the only difference is a colour change

Original Diety
Alrighty second boss

The Chimera, 10x your size, and three heads? Nothing says split personality when...

Anyways, this boss is also easy, not without quirks though. Chimera will only attack in basic, it has not elemental powers.
These are just informative notes, not going to write a story.

The dominant head seems to be the lion, that head will paw/claw swipe at you. It's main close-in attack.
Next is the dragon, it will not breathe fire like normal, instead, it's head will bite at the ground and if you are above, below, or in front, of the boss attacking it, this head will pick you up, and throw you. Kind of pointless.
Last in the goats head, it seems to be asleep until you get to the 2nd stage of the boss, all it does is charge at you, and after 2-3 charges it needs oxygen, at this time, when it's heavily breathing, any strike upon it will be a crit.
The snake head tail does nothing, and the wings are only used twice.

1st Stage: Main attack is Lion, Second is Dragon, and if your unlucky, you might get the Goat as a last resort.
After 1/3 of it's health is gone, it will leap in the air, disappear for a few seconds, then pounce back in view, this is from the wings on it's back.

2nd Stage: Main is Lion and Dragon, with occasional Goat
Nothing will be added to it's attacks like the Creeper, though it did look as if it's strikes became a little faster.
Next 1/3 health gone, same as the first.

3rd Stage: All heads have equal propability of striking.
Again no added attacks, and another small increase of speed.

That's it, again loot will be determined by Luck, but since your a low level, just keep to the story line. [Check out the luck guide for info]

1st & 7th Major Diety/Boss: The Creeper (Hell Vine)

Edit: New information has been posted, check July 2014

NOTICE: Since the Demon Dieties is not any different from the Originals, all guides have a name change.
Hell Vine is a +60 boss and the only difference is a colour change

Original Diety
Really, this is not needed, but I'll do it for the new people to W.F.

This is -the- easiest boss, only a level 10.
To be honest... It just some overgrown fungus that gained consciousness...

At the first sight, four others are battling said boss, you will notice ALLSTAR forgot there was only three by the camp fire, or the fourth was hidden.
EITHER WAY, they all lose. Dumb, yes? Well, you are the last one left to fight. (obviously you win)

How it starts, you are on the bottom left and Creeper will send vines through the ground to strike from below. This is how he attacks, so close the distance and swing away. Once your close enough, it will spring vines around it's body in an circle, not much you can do to avoid these and attack so bear through it, and once you health gets to low for your liking, run, use a potion, and resume attacking.

When the boss losses 1/3 of it's health, the camera following you will focus on the boss for a few seconds, when this happens, run. Because you are such a low level, your defence won't stand a chance. Drop the idea of attacking and go defensive. It will pulse a dark coloured purple which is poison. There are no runes to reduce the probability of poisoning. (I think there is an •Armor• set that reduces, I'm not entirely sure)

Back to the boss, after the whole pulsing thing is done, attack once more. But watch out, unless you have a combat pet with you, the flies that the Creeper spawns will gang up on you. Their number are 4, and have different colored eyes, but there all lightweights. Nothing special about them, easy kills right? That is if you weren't also fighting the first boss.

When you kill them all, it will respawn them when it's got a chance. Not only that, but it's using another attack, this one though is a line from it's body. Biggest problem about this, it's a physical attack and a trap. If your caught in it's trap, the vines will pull you towards it, and... Damn! It's trying to EAT you! Only way out of the trap is to swing around. It's either you chopping the vines that are grabbing you, or you worm your way out of it's grasp. Trouble is, three of the lines are thrown at you, and if you get out of the trap, there is a high chance it will use the trap attack again.

Once you get the next 1/3 down, it's back to poison. Oh by the way, when it's pulsing poison, or the camera is focus on the boss (or any boss) you will -always miss- until that attack is over.

No more attacks are added, just the frequency and probability of the attacks are adjusted.

Friday, 4 November 2011

5 types of Items

Edit: New information has been posted, check July 2014

Yes, after a bit of searching both equipment and runes have five classes, I'll list them

Weapons/Armor (colour=class=difficulty)

Red=Legendary=Mother load of Luck/Patience to find
Purple=Heroic=Lots of Luck to find
Blue=Rare=With some Time/Luck you'll find
Green=Advanced=Often, no Luck needed

Runes [see guide] (colour=difficulty)

Yellow=Need a load of Luck
Pink=Need Luck
Blue=Sometimes with a little Luck
No colour/Brown=Everywhere

For equipment, Heroic and Legenday for a specific set are usually higher than the next level equipment DMG/DEF

I'll post some pictures of heroic equips soon!

Unlimited Material Glitch

Edit: New information has been posted, check July 2014

The way this glitch works is by using up the very last material in your inventory, which by a glitch will leave you on an empty slot. From there you can mutate the empty slot into any grade 4 material ninty-nine times. (automatically makes it G4, the most expensive grade) Why I say 99x is thats the limit number you can have in one slot of the same type and grade. I'll explain by lettering the materials at first then give an example.

How to;
In the material bag, go to you last slotted item, this will be Material A.

No how much you have of A, make it into a multiple of 5 by selling or deleting.

(if you De/compress, you may add another slot which will ruin your attempt.)

Mutate A into a material YOU ALREADY HAVE, so there is no new material after A.

When you run out of A you should wind up on an empty slot B.

You will then mutate B, it will bring up Pack*7 Adventurer: 5 pieces

Do not hit "X" or Cancel, click continue, you will then be in the mutate menu in G4.

Mutate to the material you desire(If it's for Lars, go for Strong Cuirass/second row down, second last row right. It's 840ea.x99=83,160L)

Now that you have Material B, you can't mutate anymore because you only have one of this material.

Now go to another material ( C ) and mutate five Material A.

Mutate material A again to any random material YOU ALREADY HAVE.

You will be back on the empty slot, and mutate Pack*7 Adventurer: 5 pieces into Material B as much as you want!

Hope this helps, if some may need visual/picture reference. I can't uploading through my iPhone, so picture will have to wait.

Tags; Wild, Frontier, App, Wild Frontier, Wild Frontier App, Guide, Glitch, Unlimited, Unlimited Glitch, Grade 4

Material list

Edit: New information has been posted, check July 2014

Yes, I took the time to do this, probably the easiest guide ever. This sub-guide is just an information for the price of selling any material using the Pack*7 Adventurer glitch. (see other guide)

After an hour of touring gathering materials and compressing them, I'll list the top materials you should gather for compress and selling.

Winner at 840 Lars is Sharp (a.k.a. Cuirass)
Found by hunting Underwater*
Second at 800 Lars is Vine
Found by hunting Forest*
Third at 780 Lars is Ore
Found by Mining

Fourth at 760 is Root & Shell
Found in Forests* & at the Beach
Fifth at 730 is Toxic Thorn & Leaf & Shell
Found in Forests* & Beach

*Be careful when I say Forest or Underwater, look for any type of animal similar to the basic ones you meet at the beginning of the game. [I sound like I'm talking about pokémon...xD]

Tags; Wild, Frontier, App, Wild Frontier, Wild Frontier App, Guide, Material(s), Lars,