Good day all, hope you're having a great holiday season!
Having terrible luck where I live in Canada, we did not have a white 25th, made me quite sad..
Anyways, I'll be making a post with the .ipa of Wild Frontier v1.0.1 for anyone interested since the Apple Store has removed it from their listings. As well as the revision I've been speaking of since forever, the finalize of the few bosses I'm missing and rewording the ones I have, armour sets and their bonus stats, unsure what I'll do about the expansion for the pet guide but it'll go somewhere. All that will be released after I double check it by running through the game once more on Tanker class. Before I have been working on a Warrior class to get the Judge Armour set, and I'll tell you now, for non-HellMode it was worthless but if it was achievable then the set would be worth it. However it'll take forever for me to achieve the Dragon Knight and Archangel Sets, but I have a pretty good idea what their bonuses are.
Noticing a few links to this site, I'm very pleased this is getting out helping people. I just wish I could do more, such as request ALLSTAR to update the app to fix some bugs and most importantly release HellMode from it's impenetrable loop error. Whatever their reason is, no developer should ever stop their work midway through. Not pleased in the slightest
That being that, good luck, have fun, and happy mob'n
Guides, Class(es), Pet Instructions, Leveling, Runes, Maps, Caves, Boss(es).
July 2014 marks the date of version two series of the Blog
Any post before above date is old and will be reworked
Saturday, 27 December 2014
Tuesday, 2 September 2014
Got hit with a 'wave of trouble' since the start of August, and have only been able to comment/reply. I do have the posts for the v2 series nearly done, but at the moment life is too hectic to have any time to spare for this blog/guide. There will be posts made for those just wanting to read, and later videos for combined information, an example would be a 'as near as complete as possible' Pet Summary or Equipment and Items
Something to mention is because Wild Frontier is incomplete, I can not gather 'all' the information a regular guide would have. An example would be the Monster Catalogue (The feather in the in-game menu) It halts at 98.7% or has been for myself, meaning there is either excess data not used, or more mobs (might be Hard Mode only?) that were added and never completed or given a location to spawn. Who knows..
With that said, I'll do the best I can for you when I have time. Again, apologies for the delay..
Good luck, and Happy Mob'n to all adventures
Something to mention is because Wild Frontier is incomplete, I can not gather 'all' the information a regular guide would have. An example would be the Monster Catalogue (The feather in the in-game menu) It halts at 98.7% or has been for myself, meaning there is either excess data not used, or more mobs (might be Hard Mode only?) that were added and never completed or given a location to spawn. Who knows..
With that said, I'll do the best I can for you when I have time. Again, apologies for the delay..
Good luck, and Happy Mob'n to all adventures
Sunday, 27 July 2014
Playthrough Week 2+3
Apologies for not publishing the last few posts on time.
I'll be combining the past two weeks here
Week 1 had a few screw ups as the iPod I have was new and formatted for the updates I made, some genius moves if I must say as that also included previous game saves. So Week 2 was a restart for Casual
Casual Gameplay, it's as normal as any other run, the stats I used were a two level base of STR+2 DEX+3 CON+1 and +10 INT every ten levels. Tend to complete every side quest before the main storyline to increase the EXP and level of the character. As tedious as it is, in the long run it's a good habit for lore or settings of the game. Puppy was a quick fight, the Creeper was a surprise as I forgot the poison has a decent amount of damage if stacked and is invincible while emitting it.
The Chimera was also quick as I knew it's attack patterns and where to stand so I could not be grabbed by the dragon head, once reaching the Kraken, I always wondered why your speed wasn't slowed when underwater. The bosses cavern is stated to be open and have air, so I don't really understand.
Week 3 starting, pushing forward to the Red Dragon having to redo the three other Dieties. The dialog was great to read again, Roman is probably my favourite witty/happy-go-lucky character. Greg's subtle criticism is great too. Lamia on the other hand, is pretty much the meaning to 'Curiosity killed the Cat' except Chris saves her, again. Unfortunately this isn't some Final Fantasy where she joins your party and fights with you. I mean, it be great if she could 49,999 kick mobs for you like the Gate Stone at the Red Dragon's Dungeon
Mid-week, running back and forth, all over the place in the snowy mountains. I forgot how annoying the last part is. Having reached Diablo, I pause for a few days to gather some data on Express. Returning, it was a decently long fight for the stats I had and Rare armor, but it was fun. Gravity element was annoying as I was surrounded by the four Golems often. As the last and incompletable quest popped up, it was time to archive this file and move on.
Express Gameplay, well, it doesn't get more cheaty than this. Using the stats I had and the 3* piece money glitch to obtain Rare equipment and the highest level potions/serum, I immediately went North to explore what the storyline is like if I skip most of it. Out-leveled by a pretty scary amount, potions were needed very often. However leveling wasn't as quick as you may think, even if it was great EXP, I stopped at the mid twenties and continued on.
Reaching the point where Lamia and Greg split their party as she wishes to observe the Red Dragon, none of the triggers to activate those cut scenes were there, where you are trailing behind her trying to catch up. Heading North-West to see if I can get around, you are blocked by a playable cut scene stated Lamia went in the other direction.
This can confirm, KTH took a safe route with denying the players to skip parts of the storyline, (Besides the side quests) however they allowed players to challenge themselves against numbers and levels. Continuing on West to the snowy mountain, already knowing I could not pass the invisible barrier before the Twin Dragons, was just curious if I could activate something. Nope, nothing. So a long walk back to continue the actual game, and at the end of Week 2 was at the door to Diablo.
Week 3 after defeating Diablo on Casual, and defeat him again on Express with ease, I return to the dungeon and grind for some levels after gambling for rarer equipment. It was slow and painful to repeatedly grind the best spot which is the last(?) mini-boss, the untranslated salamander and his gang. After that it was the free quests as each give 5k EXP per quest, 5 quests per day, and the 'day' is coded to be your date on the iDevice, so switching dates will reset the board. (A little tip)
This is the last way you can grind for decent EXP for a few more levels, I will not be grinding after obtaining the bonus stats for the next armor set as it's too slow. From after that point I will be hacking for it, however having already installed a cheat engine, I've realised this app as some odd defence to modifications. It might take some time to figure out
I'll be combining the past two weeks here
Week 1 had a few screw ups as the iPod I have was new and formatted for the updates I made, some genius moves if I must say as that also included previous game saves. So Week 2 was a restart for Casual
Casual Gameplay, it's as normal as any other run, the stats I used were a two level base of STR+2 DEX+3 CON+1 and +10 INT every ten levels. Tend to complete every side quest before the main storyline to increase the EXP and level of the character. As tedious as it is, in the long run it's a good habit for lore or settings of the game. Puppy was a quick fight, the Creeper was a surprise as I forgot the poison has a decent amount of damage if stacked and is invincible while emitting it.
The Chimera was also quick as I knew it's attack patterns and where to stand so I could not be grabbed by the dragon head, once reaching the Kraken, I always wondered why your speed wasn't slowed when underwater. The bosses cavern is stated to be open and have air, so I don't really understand.
Week 3 starting, pushing forward to the Red Dragon having to redo the three other Dieties. The dialog was great to read again, Roman is probably my favourite witty/happy-go-lucky character. Greg's subtle criticism is great too. Lamia on the other hand, is pretty much the meaning to 'Curiosity killed the Cat' except Chris saves her, again. Unfortunately this isn't some Final Fantasy where she joins your party and fights with you. I mean, it be great if she could 49,999 kick mobs for you like the Gate Stone at the Red Dragon's Dungeon
Mid-week, running back and forth, all over the place in the snowy mountains. I forgot how annoying the last part is. Having reached Diablo, I pause for a few days to gather some data on Express. Returning, it was a decently long fight for the stats I had and Rare armor, but it was fun. Gravity element was annoying as I was surrounded by the four Golems often. As the last and incompletable quest popped up, it was time to archive this file and move on.
Express Gameplay, well, it doesn't get more cheaty than this. Using the stats I had and the 3* piece money glitch to obtain Rare equipment and the highest level potions/serum, I immediately went North to explore what the storyline is like if I skip most of it. Out-leveled by a pretty scary amount, potions were needed very often. However leveling wasn't as quick as you may think, even if it was great EXP, I stopped at the mid twenties and continued on.
Reaching the point where Lamia and Greg split their party as she wishes to observe the Red Dragon, none of the triggers to activate those cut scenes were there, where you are trailing behind her trying to catch up. Heading North-West to see if I can get around, you are blocked by a playable cut scene stated Lamia went in the other direction.
This can confirm, KTH took a safe route with denying the players to skip parts of the storyline, (Besides the side quests) however they allowed players to challenge themselves against numbers and levels. Continuing on West to the snowy mountain, already knowing I could not pass the invisible barrier before the Twin Dragons, was just curious if I could activate something. Nope, nothing. So a long walk back to continue the actual game, and at the end of Week 2 was at the door to Diablo.
Week 3 after defeating Diablo on Casual, and defeat him again on Express with ease, I return to the dungeon and grind for some levels after gambling for rarer equipment. It was slow and painful to repeatedly grind the best spot which is the last(?) mini-boss, the untranslated salamander and his gang. After that it was the free quests as each give 5k EXP per quest, 5 quests per day, and the 'day' is coded to be your date on the iDevice, so switching dates will reset the board. (A little tip)
This is the last way you can grind for decent EXP for a few more levels, I will not be grinding after obtaining the bonus stats for the next armor set as it's too slow. From after that point I will be hacking for it, however having already installed a cheat engine, I've realised this app as some odd defence to modifications. It might take some time to figure out
Sunday, 20 July 2014
Point Allocation
This is mainly to ones preference, however for new adventurers use this as a tip guide for your first play through. It's not defined as 'you should', it's more 'consider' as I've ran through this game plenty of times with different scenarios. An example is a No Point or Rune, Tanker, which I got stuck on the Kraken. That was fun to figure out
There are four parts, I'll give their full name and what they modify
STR // Strength // Modifies: Attack
DEX // Dexterity // Modifies: RNG (Range/Gun), ACR (Accuracy), DDG (Dodge)
CON // Constitution // Modifies: HP (Health)
INT // Intelligence // Modifies: SP (Spirit Points/Mana/Magic/etc), RNG (Range/Gun)
Whoops, I mistakenly said MAG previously instead of INT when I wasn't playing. I'll go fix that in any post I made, sorry. Also, the amount each point gives has a changing value, it will increase at first, but after a number of points given it will cap and decrease. This is to discourage stacking on a single Stat. Smart KTH
Warning: Each set is based on 3 levels for a total +9 points available
Warning: INT // Intelligence is for Skill use/Dashing, not much is needed to be effective
Please note: Once again, this are all suggestions or reference to what you want
Dashing: Double tapping in any direction twice, you will move quickly in said direction
Dashing: Double tapping in any direction twice, you will move quickly in said direction
Warrior : Heavy, large hits, has a wide attack range for multiple hits
Hard hits;
STR+6 // DEX+1 // CON+1 // INT+1
STR+2 // DEX+1 // CON+5 // INT+1
All around;
STR+3 // DEX+2 // CON+3 // INT+1
Tanker : Slow, defensive, able to stand fast against bad numbers
Decent hits;
STR+5 // DEX+1 // CON+2 // INT+1
STR+2 // DEX+2 // CON+4 // INT+1
All around;
STR+2 // DEX+3 // CON+3 // INT+1
Scouter : Quick, light hitting, but chains attack combos until the enemies are dead
Quick hits;
STR+5 // DEX+2 // CON+1 // INT+1
STR+1 // DEX+5 // CON+2 // INT+1
All around;
STR+3 // DEX+3 // CON+2 // INT+1
All skills are only possible to adventurers preference. But some advice would be
> Max out your class unique skill (Bottom left)
> Do not add points to the three weapon types unless you are dedicated to that type
> Gun (Bottom right half) is very linear and weak, discourage use beyond pull/finisher/out of melee range
> Higher level finishing moves cost more SP and deal less damage than spamming the early ones
> Passives should have a high consideration as they are constantly active and very helpful
> Do not encourage anything with Knockback if any, you want the mobs dead as fast as possible
> Your Super Skill (Lv50 Purple) is highly useful while getting it often isn't
Friday, 18 July 2014
Rarity list
Gambling with the (Express Gameplay), there are a confirmed five and only five rarity types with armor.
Each has their own Armor/Defence rating per rank, the stat bonuses however are as previously stated
Rarity types go by this order
General --> Advanced --> Rare --> Heroic --> Legendary
As for the Armor/Defence between rarities, it's a give/take of 25%
Will calculate a better number when I've obtained a full recipe set of a certain piece
For Bonus Stats, General will only have the one (first stat). Advanced and beyond will have two (both)
A full Legendary set unfortunately does not have three stats. Shame..
Mixing rarities will results in the lowest grade stats. Having a General with two above ranks will result to 2/3 of the secondary stat bonus, two Generals with an above rank will result in 1/3 of the secondary stat. And other mix above this (Example: one Adv, two Lgn) will have 2/3 of the secondary stat
Edit: As Olu has stated in the comment below, I realised some people will skip over the above when using Tanker class. S/He is right, the second stat promotes use of an entire set of one rarity. Mixing with this class will further dampen the bonus as it has a four piece set so each piece is worth 1/4 (Where as Scout and Warrior is 1/3) and does not mix unless same rarity.
As for Weapons, the same applies except it's for Attack, the same 25% variance also applies here
Each weapon at one level will be just slightly rivalling the next levels minus one rarity tier
So a Legendary Partisan will rival a Heroic Totem
Oh, and lastly the colour schemes. All piece of equipment (Weapons and Armor) will have alternate colours varying between each set, the only one to have a definite similarity will be the Legendary which can be compared to the last dungeon colour scheme (Hell). However a Legendary Partisan is.. pitch black and burning blue? Interesting..
Rarity types go by this order
General --> Advanced --> Rare --> Heroic --> Legendary
As for the Armor/Defence between rarities, it's a give/take of 25%
Will calculate a better number when I've obtained a full recipe set of a certain piece
For Bonus Stats, General will only have the one (first stat). Advanced and beyond will have two (both)
A full Legendary set unfortunately does not have three stats. Shame..
Mixing rarities will results in the lowest grade stats. Having a General with two above ranks will result to 2/3 of the secondary stat bonus, two Generals with an above rank will result in 1/3 of the secondary stat. And other mix above this (Example: one Adv, two Lgn) will have 2/3 of the secondary stat
Edit: As Olu has stated in the comment below, I realised some people will skip over the above when using Tanker class. S/He is right, the second stat promotes use of an entire set of one rarity. Mixing with this class will further dampen the bonus as it has a four piece set so each piece is worth 1/4 (Where as Scout and Warrior is 1/3) and does not mix unless same rarity.
As for Weapons, the same applies except it's for Attack, the same 25% variance also applies here
Each weapon at one level will be just slightly rivalling the next levels minus one rarity tier
So a Legendary Partisan will rival a Heroic Totem
Oh, and lastly the colour schemes. All piece of equipment (Weapons and Armor) will have alternate colours varying between each set, the only one to have a definite similarity will be the Legendary which can be compared to the last dungeon colour scheme (Hell). However a Legendary Partisan is.. pitch black and burning blue? Interesting..
Tuesday, 15 July 2014
Gambling, Luck, and Legendaries
*This is a simple report of activity with more information on the Luck Guide*
(Images for all soon)
Last Friday (July 11th) with a Luck base of 112, gambled a Legendary Gauntlet. Critical blow +3, Electric Att +25% and Dodging +9, fair stats but not great.
To get this Luck, I waited until level 62 and the quest which you receive a Grade 8++ Luck Rune which gives 21~26. Using the 3* money glitch, gambled with just an Advanced grade until a full Rare set, using the Rune I repeatedly attempted for +26 using the no-save trick.
Then gambled for a luck valued Gauntlet as I noticed, each accessory above the other, has the Rune types bumped down per Rarity. If you do not know what that means, let focus on the Luck Rune. Gauntlets can obtain this Rune with Heroic Rarity, a Belt can have luck at Rare. This means the last Accessory (Gem) can have Luck on an Advanced Rarity, and only Legendary for Boots.
To add to the above, each Rarity above will possible give then next rank of any possible Rune. Meaning the Legendary Boots will only have a Grade 8 Luck rune, while a Legendary Belt can get a Grade 8++. (See Luck Guide for information about same grade ranks)
The above applies to all Accessory types and Runes in Gambling. Later on with 119 Luck, gambled a Legendary Belt, while I have an image it sadly didn't come with a Luck value. Continuing, found a Heroic Gem accessory with Luck +17, sadly this is a Lv.80 item, and being Lv.67 currently, it's going to be a hell of a grind to use it.
Out of boredom from being to low level for the Gem accessory, gambled a Legendary Partisan (Axe). It's attack rivals a Heroic Totem just slightly. Have yet to gamble a Legendary Armor set yet and will modify this post once I have with a time-stamp.
Good luck, have fun, and happy mob'n
(Images for all soon)
Last Friday (July 11th) with a Luck base of 112, gambled a Legendary Gauntlet. Critical blow +3, Electric Att +25% and Dodging +9, fair stats but not great.
To get this Luck, I waited until level 62 and the quest which you receive a Grade 8++ Luck Rune which gives 21~26. Using the 3* money glitch, gambled with just an Advanced grade until a full Rare set, using the Rune I repeatedly attempted for +26 using the no-save trick.
Then gambled for a luck valued Gauntlet as I noticed, each accessory above the other, has the Rune types bumped down per Rarity. If you do not know what that means, let focus on the Luck Rune. Gauntlets can obtain this Rune with Heroic Rarity, a Belt can have luck at Rare. This means the last Accessory (Gem) can have Luck on an Advanced Rarity, and only Legendary for Boots.
To add to the above, each Rarity above will possible give then next rank of any possible Rune. Meaning the Legendary Boots will only have a Grade 8 Luck rune, while a Legendary Belt can get a Grade 8++. (See Luck Guide for information about same grade ranks)
The above applies to all Accessory types and Runes in Gambling. Later on with 119 Luck, gambled a Legendary Belt, while I have an image it sadly didn't come with a Luck value. Continuing, found a Heroic Gem accessory with Luck +17, sadly this is a Lv.80 item, and being Lv.67 currently, it's going to be a hell of a grind to use it.
Out of boredom from being to low level for the Gem accessory, gambled a Legendary Partisan (Axe). It's attack rivals a Heroic Totem just slightly. Have yet to gamble a Legendary Armor set yet and will modify this post once I have with a time-stamp.
Good luck, have fun, and happy mob'n
Monday, 7 July 2014
DEX GODMODE IS FALSE (Express Gameplay)
Without any armor or runes, at DEX stat point 412, you are, in theory, invulnerable. You will have exactly 100% DDG (Dodge) and well over 100% ACC (Accuracy). I stopped there and gathered aggression to test this. The mobs missed consistently until Beeti's solidly hit around 30% of the time, Pitz hit 10% of the time.
This concludes a few things,
(1) Mobs might have an absolute hit roll
(2) Some mobs have a passive skill to ignore defence/dodge
(3) Just because you avoid an attack from a mob/boss, does not mean you avoid the skills extra stats like element (Ice/Slow, Fire/Burn, Electric/Half Attack) or status (Decreased defence, Stunned, etc)
After the above, I questioned if having 100% is similar to 0%. So applying more points to DEX, somewhere near +1000 (one thousand) you will LOSE all points and reset to an visual 0%. Shocked I gain aggression, and was hit 100% of the time from every mob/boss yet the damage was minimal.
Further investigation is needed, however. I highly doubt anyone of you adventurers will go pure Dex (highly discouraged) Though, I say that, I'm pretty sure one of you will do it anyways. Have fun with that ruined character <3 (Unless stat reset scroll)
Without any armor or runes, at DEX stat point 412, you are, in theory, invulnerable. You will have exactly 100% DDG (Dodge) and well over 100% ACC (Accuracy). I stopped there and gathered aggression to test this. The mobs missed consistently until Beeti's solidly hit around 30% of the time, Pitz hit 10% of the time.
This concludes a few things,
(1) Mobs might have an absolute hit roll
(2) Some mobs have a passive skill to ignore defence/dodge
(3) Just because you avoid an attack from a mob/boss, does not mean you avoid the skills extra stats like element (Ice/Slow, Fire/Burn, Electric/Half Attack) or status (Decreased defence, Stunned, etc)
After the above, I questioned if having 100% is similar to 0%. So applying more points to DEX, somewhere near +1000 (one thousand) you will LOSE all points and reset to an visual 0%. Shocked I gain aggression, and was hit 100% of the time from every mob/boss yet the damage was minimal.
Further investigation is needed, however. I highly doubt anyone of you adventurers will go pure Dex (highly discouraged) Though, I say that, I'm pretty sure one of you will do it anyways. Have fun with that ruined character <3 (Unless stat reset scroll)
Playthrough Week 1
Warning: This post is subjected to edits as there are two areas to follow
Starting yesterday (Sunday June 6th), I have created two characters. Each with their own set of rules.
Images: This will be slow if not at all before I obtain an solid ISP as I rather not ground my phones data
Images: This will be slow if not at all before I obtain an solid ISP as I rather not ground my phones data
The first will be a Casual Gameplay, class choice Scout, using a stat pattern of +10 Mag every tenth level, and STR +1, DEX +3, CON +1 when 5 stats are available. Pet will be a Beeti as they are by default a Buff type, and will delete pet for another Beeti or similar flying type if failed evolve once reaching my level. Later on when I reach the cliffs for the Red Dragon, I will be taming the Mini-Boss Black dragon for their high basic stats/defence and ranged attacks. For armor and weaponry I'll be crafting advanced sets and grabing any rare or above I can find. Once of level I will be carrying a Rifle, however I won't use it more than a damage sustain for bosses or pull for mobs.
For Pets there are a few things I want to confirm,
(1) If I tame a mob above my level, and it's 5~10 level reduction is above my own level, what happens
(2) If a Pet truely has a second evolution chance at level 60 (Do not remember if this is true or false)
(3) If #2 is true, what happens if a pet reaches said level before matching player level
(4) If a Mini-Boss tamed into a Rare pet, upon reaching player level, has a chance for Heroic
(5) If #4 fails and reaches Lv.60, or #3 happens with a Rare pet
(6) The only way to attain a Heroic pet is through the Special Taming kit in Shop
Will not be gambling until I I have a full Water Dragon set for the Luck values. When I do, will focus on attaining higher armor grade first as the Luck value is better. Any luck runes will be kept for said time above, all others will be following the Rune List Guide for the Bosses until I can raid the last dungeon easily.
After a long period of 'completing' the game (as HardMode does not activate), I will be using the money glitch for gambling to see if I can obtain Legendary armor/weapons using the Water Dragon set, and if there is a 6th tier to be found though I highly doubt there is another (There are only 5 currently known, General, Advanced, Rare, Heroic, Legendary)
The second one being Express Gameplay, will be a Warrior buffed with 500+ stats on start and no more points set after that to calculate basic growth, as well as 10 points on each skill (Once player level passes requirement) to record maxed out stats and attacks given. Also will be using the 7*/3* piece money glitch for gambling to obtain all possible rarity types easily for the armor set guide. In my inventory, I have given myself the bag extension because small inventories, special pet kit for a hatchling later on, and the randomized 7 piece rune generator item from the shop. These are to use, record what runes that may be missing from the Rune List, not save, reload, and use again, repeating until I can confirm there are no more rune types to discover.
For Pets there are a few things I want to confirm,
(1) If I tame a mob above my level, and it's 5~10 level reduction is above my own level, what happens
(2) If a Pet truely has a second evolution chance at level 60 (Do not remember if this is true or false)
(3) If #2 is true, what happens if a pet reaches said level before matching player level
(4) If a Mini-Boss tamed into a Rare pet, upon reaching player level, has a chance for Heroic
(5) If #4 fails and reaches Lv.60, or #3 happens with a Rare pet
(6) The only way to attain a Heroic pet is through the Special Taming kit in Shop
Will not be gambling until I I have a full Water Dragon set for the Luck values. When I do, will focus on attaining higher armor grade first as the Luck value is better. Any luck runes will be kept for said time above, all others will be following the Rune List Guide for the Bosses until I can raid the last dungeon easily.
After a long period of 'completing' the game (as HardMode does not activate), I will be using the money glitch for gambling to see if I can obtain Legendary armor/weapons using the Water Dragon set, and if there is a 6th tier to be found though I highly doubt there is another (There are only 5 currently known, General, Advanced, Rare, Heroic, Legendary)
The second one being Express Gameplay, will be a Warrior buffed with 500+ stats on start and no more points set after that to calculate basic growth, as well as 10 points on each skill (Once player level passes requirement) to record maxed out stats and attacks given. Also will be using the 7*/3* piece money glitch for gambling to obtain all possible rarity types easily for the armor set guide. In my inventory, I have given myself the bag extension because small inventories, special pet kit for a hatchling later on, and the randomized 7 piece rune generator item from the shop. These are to use, record what runes that may be missing from the Rune List, not save, reload, and use again, repeating until I can confirm there are no more rune types to discover.
Why am I 'cheating' on this one?
Having previous beaten WildFrontier multiple time on all classes, before and after discovery of all previous glitches posted here without using them (legitimate runs), I feel like simply abusing the game as much as possible. 'For fun' would be a good way to describe it.
I will NOT, be giving out save files, nor will I be making a tutorial on how to cheat the system (Money glitch is different, there's a post on that). I do NOT encourage cheating/hacking, as most often you are required to break the console/device to do so, I however, am a spontaneous wizard at times. If you wish to cheat or hack the game, I absolutely encourage completing the game before you do so, if having cheated/hacked and spoiled the game for yourself, that is your own fault. Period.
Any question you may have, feel free to post
Also, if you noticed the Page Edits, yes I am indeed creating a basic forum for WF
Will write more later
Good luck, have fun, and happy mob'n
Saturday, 5 July 2014
New waves?!
Edit: New information has been posted, check July 2014
Hello all you adventurous hunters,
I'm pretty excited to announce the v2 of this Blog Guide for WildFrontier, it's been an age since I've read Roman's witty lines and heard the ever maddening background music on repeat. Blissful nostalgic adventure!
As for the previous posts/threads/pages that I already have up, I'll be compressing them into appropriate categories as they are, no more modifications beyond this point. Most of the pages original content (Such as the Rune List) will have a high chance of transferring over to version 2, however all the opinion will be re-written and unbiased. My previous posts were full of enthusiasm however, a guide must be unified. So, consider everything before July 1st 2014 as old information
Some new things will include full map guide for dungeons, quest timeline, monster reports and possibly gameplay video if I can figure out how the heck I can stream efficiently. Only issue this time is not having a decent ISP, so image uploads will be slow. That does not stop typing though
Good luck, have fun and happy mob'n all!
Hello all you adventurous hunters,
I'm pretty excited to announce the v2 of this Blog Guide for WildFrontier, it's been an age since I've read Roman's witty lines and heard the ever maddening background music on repeat. Blissful nostalgic adventure!
As for the previous posts/threads/pages that I already have up, I'll be compressing them into appropriate categories as they are, no more modifications beyond this point. Most of the pages original content (Such as the Rune List) will have a high chance of transferring over to version 2, however all the opinion will be re-written and unbiased. My previous posts were full of enthusiasm however, a guide must be unified. So, consider everything before July 1st 2014 as old information
Some new things will include full map guide for dungeons, quest timeline, monster reports and possibly gameplay video if I can figure out how the heck I can stream efficiently. Only issue this time is not having a decent ISP, so image uploads will be slow. That does not stop typing though
Good luck, have fun and happy mob'n all!
Sunday, 18 May 2014
Page edits {Halted, moving to forums}
Edit: New information has been posted, check July 2014
Good day once again Frontiers :3
Oh, I'll be adding some more of Qvazzler's stuff until I get notice from him about his blog disappearing
The titles of all posts will get a tag for what their state currently is,
[E] Currently editing (May be unavailable)
Good day once again Frontiers :3
Oh, I'll be adding some more of Qvazzler's stuff until I get notice from him about his blog disappearing
The titles of all posts will get a tag for what their state currently is,
[E] Currently editing (May be unavailable)
[C] Completed
[P] Pending for revision (Errors may have been discovered)
[IM] Image(s) missing/broken
[IR] Image(s) Repaired
[P] Pending for revision (Errors may have been discovered)
[IM] Image(s) missing/broken
[IR] Image(s) Repaired
So if the page you need isn't available, my apologies, it'll be back soon
[!] Some posts will be merged together due to their linking topics/attributes
[!] Some posts will be merged together due to their linking topics/attributes
Pushing all posts to 2014
Forwarning, after completion the posts URL may be renamed. Breaking any starred links you may have
Forwarning, after completion the posts URL may be renamed. Breaking any starred links you may have
Honestly, I don't care for when I wrote them or how, it's proper to revise and correct for easier reading, once again I'll be restructuring illiterate or grammatically faulted sentences and finish what has been started. I will also be linking the below point to their posts, hold on to your pets!
- Start Up
[P] > Guide Set-up
- Class Guides
[P / IR] > Scout Guide
[P / IR] > Warrior Guide
[P / IR] > Tanker Guide
- Pet Guides
[P] > Pet/Taming Guide
[P] > Instant Rare Pet
[P] > Possible Insta-Heroic Pet?
- Items
[P] > Material List (Lars)
[P] > Unlimited Material Glitch
[P] > Pack*3 Concentration: 1 Piece
[P] > 5 Types of Items (Rarity/Quality)
- Bosses (Current point of interest)
>> Deities
[E] > 1st Major Boss: The Creeper
[E] > 1st Major Boss: The Creeper
[E] > 2nd Major Boss: The Chimera
[E] > 3rd Major Boss: The Salamander
[E] > 4th Major Boss The Kraken
[E] > 5th Major Boss: The Red Dragon
>> Dungeon Guards
>> Dungeon Guards
[P] > 6th Major Bosses: The Ice/Lighting Twin Dragons (Two at once?)
>> Demon Deities (*Last Dungeon)
>> Demon Deities (*Last Dungeon)
[P] > 7th Demon Deity: The Hell Vine Creeper
[P] > 8th Demon Deity: The Blaze Wing Chimera
[P] > 9th Demon Deity: The Thunder Mane Salamander
[P] > 10th Demon Deity: The Lava Shell Kraken
>> The End / Other
>> The End / Other
[P] > Last Major Boss: Diablo
[P] > Demon Deities/Bosses
- Maps
[P] > Map and Cave Guides
- Etc.
[C / IR] > Rune List
[P] > Luck Guide
[P] > Armor Attributes
- Information
[P] > New People From Other Forums! Read This!
[P] > Have Glitched Items? (Game Crashes?)
[P] > Have Glitched Items? (Game Crashes?)
[P] > Creators of Wild Frontier
[P] > Very Bad News People
[P] > Q&A Page
[P] > Q&A Page
- Odds and ends
[P] > Accessory grades for Jewelry (lv.80+)
[P] > My Scout
[P] > Page Edits
Tuesday, 22 April 2014
Q&A Page
Edit: New information has been posted, check July 2014
Just to announce this, I've been having trouble editing or submitting posts.
Edit: Hurray for updating, I've noticed missing images so that'll be my next piece to repair before posting more, hopefully it won't take too much time
You all are awesome!
So to test something pieces and to simplify things, ask your questions here please and I'll comment here by editing the post. I am also semi-active here so it could be shockingly quick of a reply, or a few weeks.
I apologize for any inconveniences
Edit: Also, T Ashtön and I, JJ Ashtön are the same person. Blogspot doesn't want to change past posts to the correct information for some dumb reason or another
Also 'Precision strike' actually mean Accuracy. So precision strike +3 -> accuracy +3%. Still I don't know how Accuracy effect damage. Obviously you miss less if you've got more accuracy. But the value displayed doesn't directly tell you how accurate you are. It is calculated against some other value. Maybe the monsters 'dodge', 'level' or 'defence'. Anyone got numbers on this?
Truely can not be 100 percent invulnerable from Reflect Damage, but for Dodge/Dex yes that is absolutely true. May be fairly weak in your Attack or TotalHealth but it's how I made my Scout class almost every time, few hundred (200 for Scout 300 for others) Dex is pretty much godmode with a taking a hit here and there. As for element attacks, if you are hit, they have a chance of applying. So just don't get hit or socket resistants as it'll lessen the chance of applying, as for how the roll is applied, no true idea.
As for you applying the stat to mobs, it's just Damage+ElementRoll then +ElementDamage%, so it then rolls { (AccuracyHitRoll - MobDodgeRoll) if hit then ((BaseDamage + ElementDamage%) - MobDefence) } or something along those lines, so really it's just an add on. All elements are good to have for extra damage output. Accuracy is just the HitRoll, but if you miss a lot, obviously your DPS will drop as well, so higher Acc can mean higher DPS.
Mobs have a dodge, level and defence just like you, but is precoded like any other game. They also to not have shields so you won't see a 'Blocked' message like Tanker has. Currently there is no actual true flow to WF so people mainly just read and go, WF2 never saw a translation (Or a release if I'm correct) and contacting AllStar is hard as I don't know Thai nor have the time
Hope this helps!
Just to announce this, I've been having trouble editing or submitting posts.
Edit: Hurray for updating, I've noticed missing images so that'll be my next piece to repair before posting more, hopefully it won't take too much time
You all are awesome!
So to test something pieces and to simplify things, ask your questions here please and I'll comment here by editing the post. I am also semi-active here so it could be shockingly quick of a reply, or a few weeks.
I apologize for any inconveniences
Edit: Also, T Ashtön and I, JJ Ashtön are the same person. Blogspot doesn't want to change past posts to the correct information for some dumb reason or another
- Olu
Also 'Precision strike' actually mean Accuracy. So precision strike +3 -> accuracy +3%. Still I don't know how Accuracy effect damage. Obviously you miss less if you've got more accuracy. But the value displayed doesn't directly tell you how accurate you are. It is calculated against some other value. Maybe the monsters 'dodge', 'level' or 'defence'. Anyone got numbers on this?
- JJ
Truely can not be 100 percent invulnerable from Reflect Damage, but for Dodge/Dex yes that is absolutely true. May be fairly weak in your Attack or TotalHealth but it's how I made my Scout class almost every time, few hundred (200 for Scout 300 for others) Dex is pretty much godmode with a taking a hit here and there. As for element attacks, if you are hit, they have a chance of applying. So just don't get hit or socket resistants as it'll lessen the chance of applying, as for how the roll is applied, no true idea.
As for you applying the stat to mobs, it's just Damage+ElementRoll then +ElementDamage%, so it then rolls { (AccuracyHitRoll - MobDodgeRoll) if hit then ((BaseDamage + ElementDamage%) - MobDefence) } or something along those lines, so really it's just an add on. All elements are good to have for extra damage output. Accuracy is just the HitRoll, but if you miss a lot, obviously your DPS will drop as well, so higher Acc can mean higher DPS.
Mobs have a dodge, level and defence just like you, but is precoded like any other game. They also to not have shields so you won't see a 'Blocked' message like Tanker has. Currently there is no actual true flow to WF so people mainly just read and go, WF2 never saw a translation (Or a release if I'm correct) and contacting AllStar is hard as I don't know Thai nor have the time
Hope this helps!
Rune list
Edit: New information has been posted, check July 2014
[Complete / Image Repaired]
Colour code runes for their "usefulness" to my perspective. Their colours are;
: Keep for last Boss(es)
: Highly Useful
: Above Average
: Average
: Not very useful
Grade 4 Rune image has been found and uploaded, awesome!
Error --> Grade 4 Rune picture is wrong. It's suppose to be a dot on the left side, and a V with the right side curved right. I'll fix it when I can :x
This list is NOT complete, if you happened to find any that are not on the list, please post a comment below
After looking over for a bit I think there are some missing from these grades:
> Grade 5 (blue)
> Grade 7 (Not sure)
> Grade 10
> Grade 20 (blue)
Also, please read carefully. There can be multiple effects. I will colour the ones that are similar in each grade.
Another note: The runes border outline colour states their rarity in being found, look here for information
Opinion: There are a few notes I'd like to make, it'll be in this colour
List of Runes
Grade 1++
Name: Rune of Swiftness
Effect: Increase speed
Grade 1++
Name: Rune of Meddling
Effect: Increase attack speed
Both are very useful, Swiftness will get you to and from places, and help dodge boss attacks, or if your low on Hp from mobbing, its a quick get away. Meddling will help with Axe/Blunt speed, but somewhat overkill on a the Sword
Grade 2
Name: Rune of Capacity
Effect: All 1st status +2~3
Name: Rune of Empower
Effect: All 1st status +7~10
Name: Rune of Almightiness
All 1st status +13~16
(Thanks to Dan Bui for the name find)
Grade 2
Name: Rune of Master
Effect: All skill level +1~1
Grade 2+
Name: Rune of Hero
Effect: All skill level +2~2
(Thanks to *Name Pending* for the name find)
Grade 2++
Name: Rune of Absolute
Effect: All skill level +3~3
There all great in their own way, best are obviously Empower and Almightiness, but these are surprising harder to find than either G1's
Grade 3++
Name: Rune of Indomitable
Effect: Block stun
Grade 3++
Name: Rune of Vigilance
Effect: Block knockback
Well, the only reason I gave them the purple rating was how useful they are. But that really depend on which enemy since bosses are usually an absolute knockback (Chimera) and Stun will help against electric based or bashing (Boar) monsters. But other than that, they're useless by taking a slot for something possibly better
Grade 4
Name: Rune of Defense
Effect: All resistances +3~4%
Grade 4+
Name: Rune of Purify
Effect: All resistances +10~13%
Grade 4++
Name: Rune of Guardian
Effect: All resistances +18~22%
(Thanks to *Name Pending* for this find)
Not all that great, but apparently it gets the Yellow Grade, so it has its small perks
Grade 5
Name: Rune of Blow
Effect: Critical blow +2~3
Grade 5+
Name: Rune of Deathblow
Effect: Critical blow +7~10
Grade 5++
Name: Rune of Slaughterer
Effect: Critical blow +13~16
Grade 5
Name: Rune of Shock
Effect: Stun attack +3~4%
Grade 5+
Name: Rune of Fear
Effect: Stun attack +10~12%
Stun won't work on Bosses (At least to my extent, if you succeed, leave a comment) and Critical is always handy, the only annoying part of Crits is the jerk at the screen when successful, so constant crits will tend to screw with your sight
Grade 6++
Name: Rune of Greed
Effect: Drain spirit
Grade 6++
Name: Rune of Blood
Effect: Drain life
Oh man, I don't know why these runes aren't the Yellow Grade. You basically don't need health or spirit potions anymore once you slot these. (Until last dungeon) Any class become tank. I'm not kidding
Grade 7+
Name: Rune of Meditation
Effect: Recover spirit 1~2%/10 secs
Grade 7++
Name: Rune of Prayer
Effect: Recover spirit 5~6%/10 secs
Grade 7+
Name: Rune of Recovery
Effect: Recover health 1~2%/10 secs
Grade 7++
Name: Rune of Revive
Effect: Recover Health 5~6%/10 secs
Not as usefull as G6++, but if you like taking time or jumping from town to town, these are it. Even both are a good combo since G6++ will heal you in battle, and G7 will passively anywhere__________
Grade 8
Name: Rune of Lucky
Effect: Luck +6~9
Grade 8+
Name: Rune of Success
Effect: Luck +13~18
Grade 8++
Name: Rune of Blessing
Effect: Luck 21~26
Must have, you can't find anything else but General/Advanced/Rare without luck
Best used on Lv.58-62 Advanced or better armor set (Water dragon set I think)
Grade 9
Name: Rune of Lightning
Effect: Electricity attack effect +6~9%
Grade 9+
Name: Rune of Thunderbolt
Effect: Electricity attack effect +20~27%
Grade 9++
Name: Rune of Star
Effect: Electricity attack effect +36~44%
Grade 9
Name: Rune of Fire
Effect: Fire attack effect +6~9%
Grade 9+
Name: Rune of Flame
Effect: Fire attack effect +20~27%
Grade 9++
Name: Rune of Sun
Effect: Fire attack effect +36~44%
Grade 9
Name: Rune of Wind
Effect: Cold attack effect +6~9%
Grade 9+
Name: Rune of Typhoon
Effect: Cold attack effect +20~27%
Grade 9++
Name: Rune of Moon
Effect: Cold attack effect +36~44%
All have very good perks, Fire burns on hit, overtime, and possible stack damage. Cold will slow the enemy, so you are slowing all movements, from attacks, specials and travel. Electric will cut the enemies damage level in half, which is kinda weird since most other games, electric is stun. Meh, that's ALLSTAR for you
Grade 10+
Name: Rune of Revenge
Effect: Reflect damage +12~19%
Grade 10++
Name: Rune of Judge
Effect: Reflect damage +40~55%
Great for those boss battles that use direct attacks. I'm pretty sure that any elemental attacks are not reflect-able. Not completely sure
Grade 11
Name: Rune of Withstand Fire
Effect: Fire resistance +6~9%
Grade 11+
Name: Rune of Fire
Effect: Fire resistance +20~27%
Grade 11++
Name: Rune of Anti-Fire
Effect: Fire resistance +36~44%
Grade 11
Name: Rune of Withstand Cold
Effect: Cold resistance +6~9%
Grade 11+
Name: Rune of Cold
Effect: Cold resistance +20~27%
Grade 11++
Name: Rune of Anti-Cold
Effect: Cold resistance +36~44%
Grade 11
Name: Rune of Withstand Electricity
Effect: Electricity resistance +6~9%
Grade 11+
Name: Rune of Electricity
Effect: Electricity resistance +20~27%
Grade 11++
Name: Rune of Anti-Electricity
Effect: Electricity resistance +36~44%
Well, resistance is great and all, but the best is fire since the fifth, seventh to last bosses have fire attributes
Grade 12
Name: Rune of Strength
Effect: Strength +4~7
Grade 12+
Name: Rune of Superhuman
Effect: Strength +15~20
Grade 12++
Name: Rune of Power
Effect: Strength +27~33
Good for starting off any class. Use until your base damage has a minimum of one hundred points
Grade 13
Name: Rune of Dexterity
Effect: Dexterity +4~7
Grade 13+
Name: Rune of Prompt
Effect: Dexterity +15~20
Grade 13++
Name: Rune of High Speed
Effect: Dexterity +27~33
Again, good for start offs, use until base DEX of any class is or near one hundred points
Grade 14
Name: Rune of Intelligence
Effect: Intelligence +4~7
Grade 14+
Name: Rune of Wisdom
Effect: Intelligence +15~20
Grade 14++
Name: Rune of Vision
Effect: Intelligence +27~33
Anyone using Specials a good lot should spend a good number on INT. However there's no wizard class so best not spend too many as you'll be swinging you weapon more often than skills
Grade 15
Name: Rune of Health
Effect: Health +4~7
Grade 15+
Name: Rune of Vitality
Effect: Health +15~20
Grade 15++
Name: Rune of Life
Effect: Health +27~33
Ehhh, utmost start off, but other than that, its a waste of space for higher levels
Grade 16
Name: Rune of Regard
Effect: Decrease limit level
Absolutely do NOT waste a slot for this. If you can not wait for the next level armor, and within four levels of said equipment, go ahead, but unless you have a second exact piece to replace the one your lowering is level limit. You've made a bad decision
Grade 17
Name: Rune of Crush
Effect: Damage +6~9
Grade 17+
Name: Rune of Destruction
Effect: Damage +20~27
Grade 17++
Name: Rune of Annihilation
Effect: Damage +36~44
Grade 17
Name: Rune of Wall
Effect: Defense +32~48
Grade 17+
Name: Rune of Impregnable
Effect: Defense +102~138
Grade 17++
Name: Rune of Invincible
Effect: Defense +180~220
Both are highly useful, even the second level of both grades are great
Grade 18
Name: Rune of Pressure
Effect: Knockback attack +4~7%
Grade 18+
Name: Rune of Coercion
Effect: Knockback attack +15~20%
Grade 18++
Name: Rune of Knockback
Effect: Knockback attack 27~33%
No, waste, just a big waste. Knockback would only help with keeping mobs away from you, but when you actually need that time to kill them, instead you're using that time chasing after the mobs you smacked away. Bosses are NOT effected by Knockback
Grade 19
Name: Rune of Hit
Effect: Accuracy +2~3
Grade 19+
Name: Rune of Concentration
Effect: Accuracy +7~10
Grade 19++
Name: Rune of Precision Strike
Effect: Accuracy +13~16
Grade 19
Name: Rune of Dodging
Effect: Dodge +1~2
Grade 19+
Name: Rune of Mist
Effect: Dodge +5~6
Grade 19++
Name: Rune of Darkness
Effect: Dodge +9~11
For the Accuracy runes, only the last one is worth it. But the Dodging, yes, it may be brown but Mist and Darkness are as useful as any Yellow or Pink Grade. Must slot
Grade 20
Name: Rune of Artisan
Effect: Auto repair 4~6%/10 secs
Grade 20+
Name: Rune of Immortal
Effect: Auto repair 100~100%/secs
Grade 20
Name: Rune of Injury
Effect: Decrease recovery
Nope, all a waste of space for slotting. Well, not as much in the latter levels (lv65+) when grinding for lv100. You should just buy Tents and Grindstones instead of slotting the auto repairs, and the Decrease recovery is only useful for slowing down the Hp regeneration rate of the mobs your attacking
[Complete / Image Repaired]
Colour code runes for their "usefulness" to my perspective. Their colours are;
: Keep for last Boss(es)
: Highly Useful
: Above Average
: Average
: Not very useful
Grade 4 Rune image has been found and uploaded, awesome!
This list is NOT complete, if you happened to find any that are not on the list, please post a comment below
After looking over for a bit I think there are some missing from these grades:
> Grade 5 (blue)
> Grade 7 (Not sure)
> Grade 10
> Grade 20 (blue)
Also, please read carefully. There can be multiple effects. I will colour the ones that are similar in each grade.
Another note: The runes border outline colour states their rarity in being found, look here for information
Opinion: There are a few notes I'd like to make, it'll be in this colour
List of Runes
Grade 1++
Name: Rune of Swiftness
Effect: Increase speed
Grade 1++
Name: Rune of Meddling
Effect: Increase attack speed
Both are very useful, Swiftness will get you to and from places, and help dodge boss attacks, or if your low on Hp from mobbing, its a quick get away. Meddling will help with Axe/Blunt speed, but somewhat overkill on a the Sword
Grade 2
Name: Rune of Capacity
Effect: All 1st status +2~3
Name: Rune of Empower
Effect: All 1st status +7~10
Name: Rune of Almightiness
All 1st status +13~16
(Thanks to Dan Bui for the name find)
Grade 2
Name: Rune of Master
Effect: All skill level +1~1
Grade 2+
Name: Rune of Hero
Effect: All skill level +2~2
(Thanks to *Name Pending* for the name find)
Grade 2++
Name: Rune of Absolute
Effect: All skill level +3~3
There all great in their own way, best are obviously Empower and Almightiness, but these are surprising harder to find than either G1's
Grade 3++
Name: Rune of Indomitable
Effect: Block stun
Grade 3++
Name: Rune of Vigilance
Effect: Block knockback
Well, the only reason I gave them the purple rating was how useful they are. But that really depend on which enemy since bosses are usually an absolute knockback (Chimera) and Stun will help against electric based or bashing (Boar) monsters. But other than that, they're useless by taking a slot for something possibly better
Grade 4
Name: Rune of Defense
Effect: All resistances +3~4%
Grade 4+
Name: Rune of Purify
Effect: All resistances +10~13%
Grade 4++
Name: Rune of Guardian
Effect: All resistances +18~22%
(Thanks to *Name Pending* for this find)
Not all that great, but apparently it gets the Yellow Grade, so it has its small perks
Name: Rune of Blow
Effect: Critical blow +2~3
Grade 5+
Name: Rune of Deathblow
Effect: Critical blow +7~10
Grade 5++
Name: Rune of Slaughterer
Effect: Critical blow +13~16
Grade 5
Name: Rune of Shock
Effect: Stun attack +3~4%
Grade 5+
Name: Rune of Fear
Effect: Stun attack +10~12%
Stun won't work on Bosses (At least to my extent, if you succeed, leave a comment) and Critical is always handy, the only annoying part of Crits is the jerk at the screen when successful, so constant crits will tend to screw with your sight
Grade 6++
Name: Rune of Greed
Effect: Drain spirit
Grade 6++
Name: Rune of Blood
Effect: Drain life
Oh man, I don't know why these runes aren't the Yellow Grade. You basically don't need health or spirit potions anymore once you slot these. (Until last dungeon) Any class become tank. I'm not kidding
Name: Rune of Meditation
Effect: Recover spirit 1~2%/10 secs
Grade 7++
Name: Rune of Prayer
Effect: Recover spirit 5~6%/10 secs
Grade 7+
Name: Rune of Recovery
Effect: Recover health 1~2%/10 secs
Grade 7++
Name: Rune of Revive
Effect: Recover Health 5~6%/10 secs
Not as usefull as G6++, but if you like taking time or jumping from town to town, these are it. Even both are a good combo since G6++ will heal you in battle, and G7 will passively anywhere__________
Grade 8
Name: Rune of Lucky
Effect: Luck +6~9
Grade 8+
Name: Rune of Success
Effect: Luck +13~18
Grade 8++
Name: Rune of Blessing
Effect: Luck 21~26
Must have, you can't find anything else but General/Advanced/Rare without luck
Best used on Lv.58-62 Advanced or better armor set (Water dragon set I think)
Grade 9
Name: Rune of Lightning
Effect: Electricity attack effect +6~9%
Grade 9+
Name: Rune of Thunderbolt
Effect: Electricity attack effect +20~27%
Grade 9++
Name: Rune of Star
Effect: Electricity attack effect +36~44%
Grade 9
Name: Rune of Fire
Effect: Fire attack effect +6~9%
Grade 9+
Name: Rune of Flame
Effect: Fire attack effect +20~27%
Grade 9++
Name: Rune of Sun
Effect: Fire attack effect +36~44%
Grade 9
Name: Rune of Wind
Effect: Cold attack effect +6~9%
Grade 9+
Name: Rune of Typhoon
Effect: Cold attack effect +20~27%
Grade 9++
Name: Rune of Moon
Effect: Cold attack effect +36~44%
All have very good perks, Fire burns on hit, overtime, and possible stack damage. Cold will slow the enemy, so you are slowing all movements, from attacks, specials and travel. Electric will cut the enemies damage level in half, which is kinda weird since most other games, electric is stun. Meh, that's ALLSTAR for you
Name: Rune of Revenge
Effect: Reflect damage +12~19%
Grade 10++
Name: Rune of Judge
Effect: Reflect damage +40~55%
Great for those boss battles that use direct attacks. I'm pretty sure that any elemental attacks are not reflect-able. Not completely sure
Name: Rune of Withstand Fire
Effect: Fire resistance +6~9%
Grade 11+
Name: Rune of Fire
Effect: Fire resistance +20~27%
Grade 11++
Name: Rune of Anti-Fire
Effect: Fire resistance +36~44%
Grade 11
Name: Rune of Withstand Cold
Effect: Cold resistance +6~9%
Grade 11+
Name: Rune of Cold
Effect: Cold resistance +20~27%
Grade 11++
Name: Rune of Anti-Cold
Effect: Cold resistance +36~44%
Grade 11
Name: Rune of Withstand Electricity
Effect: Electricity resistance +6~9%
Grade 11+
Name: Rune of Electricity
Effect: Electricity resistance +20~27%
Grade 11++
Name: Rune of Anti-Electricity
Effect: Electricity resistance +36~44%
Well, resistance is great and all, but the best is fire since the fifth, seventh to last bosses have fire attributes
Grade 12
Name: Rune of Strength
Effect: Strength +4~7
Grade 12+
Name: Rune of Superhuman
Effect: Strength +15~20
Grade 12++
Name: Rune of Power
Effect: Strength +27~33
Good for starting off any class. Use until your base damage has a minimum of one hundred points
Grade 13
Name: Rune of Dexterity
Effect: Dexterity +4~7
Grade 13+
Name: Rune of Prompt
Effect: Dexterity +15~20
Grade 13++
Name: Rune of High Speed
Effect: Dexterity +27~33
Again, good for start offs, use until base DEX of any class is or near one hundred points
Grade 14
Name: Rune of Intelligence
Effect: Intelligence +4~7
Grade 14+
Name: Rune of Wisdom
Effect: Intelligence +15~20
Grade 14++
Name: Rune of Vision
Effect: Intelligence +27~33
Anyone using Specials a good lot should spend a good number on INT. However there's no wizard class so best not spend too many as you'll be swinging you weapon more often than skills
Grade 15
Name: Rune of Health
Effect: Health +4~7
Grade 15+
Name: Rune of Vitality
Effect: Health +15~20
Grade 15++
Name: Rune of Life
Effect: Health +27~33
Ehhh, utmost start off, but other than that, its a waste of space for higher levels
Grade 16
Name: Rune of Regard
Effect: Decrease limit level
Absolutely do NOT waste a slot for this. If you can not wait for the next level armor, and within four levels of said equipment, go ahead, but unless you have a second exact piece to replace the one your lowering is level limit. You've made a bad decision
Grade 17
Name: Rune of Crush
Effect: Damage +6~9
Grade 17+
Name: Rune of Destruction
Effect: Damage +20~27
Grade 17++
Name: Rune of Annihilation
Effect: Damage +36~44
Grade 17
Name: Rune of Wall
Effect: Defense +32~48
Grade 17+
Name: Rune of Impregnable
Effect: Defense +102~138
Grade 17++
Name: Rune of Invincible
Effect: Defense +180~220
Both are highly useful, even the second level of both grades are great
Grade 18
Name: Rune of Pressure
Effect: Knockback attack +4~7%
Grade 18+
Name: Rune of Coercion
Effect: Knockback attack +15~20%
Grade 18++
Name: Rune of Knockback
Effect: Knockback attack 27~33%
No, waste, just a big waste. Knockback would only help with keeping mobs away from you, but when you actually need that time to kill them, instead you're using that time chasing after the mobs you smacked away. Bosses are NOT effected by Knockback
Grade 19
Name: Rune of Hit
Effect: Accuracy +2~3
Grade 19+
Name: Rune of Concentration
Effect: Accuracy +7~10
Grade 19++
Name: Rune of Precision Strike
Effect: Accuracy +13~16
Grade 19
Name: Rune of Dodging
Effect: Dodge +1~2
Grade 19+
Name: Rune of Mist
Effect: Dodge +5~6
Grade 19++
Name: Rune of Darkness
Effect: Dodge +9~11
For the Accuracy runes, only the last one is worth it. But the Dodging, yes, it may be brown but Mist and Darkness are as useful as any Yellow or Pink Grade. Must slot
Grade 20
Name: Rune of Artisan
Effect: Auto repair 4~6%/10 secs
Grade 20+
Name: Rune of Immortal
Effect: Auto repair 100~100%/secs
Grade 20
Name: Rune of Injury
Effect: Decrease recovery
Nope, all a waste of space for slotting. Well, not as much in the latter levels (lv65+) when grinding for lv100. You should just buy Tents and Grindstones instead of slotting the auto repairs, and the Decrease recovery is only useful for slowing down the Hp regeneration rate of the mobs your attacking
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